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The USA UKIM team
The University Student Assembly of UKIM is composed of 46 delegates, 2 delegates each from 23 units of the University. Delegates are nominated by the Faculty Student Assemblies of the University's units.
Запознај го тимот
Тимот на УСС е составен од Раководна структура, делегати, комисии и сенатори
Раководната структура на Универзитетското студентско собрание се состои од Претседател, Заменик претседател, Секретар и Студентски правобранител
Заменик претседател
Студентски правобранител
The President of the University Assembly is part of the Rector's Administration of the University, and 9 of the USS delegates are members of the Senate of the University
9 Commissions function in the organizational structure of the USA UKIM
Presidents of Committees of USA UKIM

The delegates represent students nominated by the Faculty Student Assemblies of the University's units. Each assembly nominates 2 delegates from their composition.
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