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Student Ombudswoman

Savce Gjosheva

In order to protect the rights of students at each university, a student ombudsman is elected from among the regular students of the university.


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Thank you!


The rights of students

Know your rights!

Rights and obligations of the student

The student has the right to:

1. Quality studies and educational process as provided by the study programs,

2. Free expression of opinion and attitudes during teaching and other activities of the higher education institution,

3. Right to make a statement about the quality (evaluation) of teaching and teachers,

4. Full-time study and the status of a full-time student and the right to part-time study and the status of a part-time student,

5. To progress regularly, to get an education and to complete the studies under the conditions that were valid at the time of enrollment,

 6. Enrollment and education under equal conditions established by law, statute and study program,

7. Participation in the management of the higher education institution in accordance with this law and the statute of the higher education institution,

8. Protection of one's rights and duties before the bodies of the higher education institution and

9. Protection of the student's personality from abuse and his dignity.

The student has the right to:

1. Study simultaneously in several study programs from different specialties and study additional courses,

2. Continue his studies at another higher education institution if the higher education institution he is enrolled in ceases to operate,

3. Uses the library and databases, space, equipment (teaching aids), software and other scientific and professional infrastructure of the university and its units, i.e. of the independent higher education institution,

4. Participates in scientific-research, artistic and professional activities, in which copyright, invention and similar rights and awards are guaranteed to him,

5. Choose and be chosen as a student representative in the bodies of higher education institutions,

6. Uses services of the student standard (accommodation, food, health care and others), city and intercity transportation according to the conditions established by law by the performers of the corresponding activities,

7. Uses the university facilities for sports and cultural activities,

 8. Transfers from one higher education institution to another, i.e. from one to another studies and at the same time to use the facilities of the credit system,

9. Participates in the work of student organizations,

10. Participates in the forms of organization of student organizations determined by the statute of the university,

11. Continued the studies that he interrupted under conditions determined by the statute of the higher education institution,

12. Uses no less than 60 days of vacation within one calendar year,

13. Receives state or other scholarships or uses financial credit for support during schooling,

14. Realizes cooperation with students in the country and abroad and

15. exercises other rights in accordance with the law and the statute of the higher education institution.

The student has the obligation to:

 1. fulfills the tasks prescribed in the study programs,

 2. respects the provisions of this law, the statute of the higher education institution and other legal acts of internal regulation,

3. adheres to the decisions and decisions of the bodies of the independent higher education institution and its unit,

4. to respect the copyright of the authors of textbooks, monographs and teaching aids and to act in accordance with the student code of ethics prepared and approved by the higher education institution in accordance with the student representation.

Students of all degrees of higher education who are without parents, blind, deaf, disabled of the first and second group, mothers with children up to six years of age and hospitalized have the right to special facilities determined by the statute of the higher education institution.


The student of the higher education institution exercises the above-mentioned rights to the extent and according to the conditions established by law and the statute of the higher education institution.


The Government of the Republic of Macedonia can make a decision on special conveniences for students, such as a student card for discounts, free city transportation and others, whereby the funds are provided by the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia.

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